I’ve had the pleasure of being in front of small crowds of 5 people or large crowds of up to 2000-3000. The nerves still get to be every time … intensity varies depending on the size of the audience of course.
Not too long ago, I was asked “What strategies and tips have you used to help overcome any nerves that you may feel before or during a talk?”
Here’s what works for me. This is A WAY, not THE WAY.
I write out bullet points of what I’m talking about so that I can get familiar with the language I’m using. I tend to keep my notes handy during any talk or facilitation experience, so that if I miss something, I can always check back and recover.
Ultimately this allows me to be fully present, without having to memorize – knowing that if I get stuck, I have my cheat sheet 😁.
I practice saying the words aloud and also in my head. Back and forth between aloud and in my head. I’ll repeat this multiple times, depending on how long the talk is. Talking to yourself IS NOT weird 😁.
I also tweak my message as I practice, knowing that I might find better language as I talk through my points.
Once I’ve prepared and practiced enough, it’s then time to turn on the ‘Parm Charm‘ and perform.
Full transparency – I get nervous before ANY talk, facilitation, presentation or coaching session. But I also know that once I’m warmed up, then I’m good to go!
I do my best not to think about whether I’m going to forget my words or stumble. Because I know I will. And that’s because once I’m warmed up, I’m excited, I’m pumped … and my brain starts working faster than my mouth. Being able to slow my talking speed down helps.
LESSON LEARNED: There’s two lessons about public speaking that I’ve learned and they’re the opposite of each other. Sometimes if feeling nervous or if something doesn’t go quite right, it’s ok to call it out and let the audience know. This is one way to show vulnerable leadership. The opposite is to not let the audience know about any nerves or if something doesn’t go quite right.
I’ll let you decide which works best for you – or perhaps a mix of both.
When it comes to PERFORM there are three other Ps I try to keep in mind:
Pitch variance is important. This means speaking at a higher or lower pitch depending on what I’m saying.
3.2 PACE
Pace is all about the rate of speech. Slowing down helps emphasize a point. Speeding up communicates a sense of excitement and passion.
This I’m still working on. The power of the pause. Silence, when used strategically is powerful! This invites others to be introspective and think through what’s just been shared. Just when I think I’ve been silent for too long, I’ll pause for another second or two.
Pausing also helps me gather my thoughts as I move on to the next set of points.
This is all a work in progress. Putting language and organization to this entire process helps me perform better and allows me to tweak certain areas as I reflect back on a particular talk, facilitation or coaching experience. This framework helps me show up with full intention and on purpose, not on accident!
Consider using this approach for your next presentation, board meeting, speech or keynote. There are many other ways to get better at speaking and communication – try combining some and creating something that works for you.
💥 How do you prepare for a speech, talk or presentation?
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