I had the privilege of coaching a Chief Administrative Officer (City Manager) not too long ago. And there was one part of the coaching program that she hated!
Our six-month coaching engagement has come to an end but there’s a possibility of serving her team through on-going leader development and team engagement.
Here are some rapid fire insights and lessons learned which she shared during our last session.
Safe space
Each coaching session was a dedicated space to unpack difficult conversations and challenging situations she was facing. It allowed this leader to think through how to navigate these obstacles in a safe space.
Values/Strengths alignment
CAO: “I hate this part”
PARM: “That’s why we do it” (with a massive grin on my face 😏)
At the end of each of our coaching sessions, we spent time aligning values and strengths to the insights and actions coming out of the discussion. Values is the WHY and WHAT; Strengths is the HOW.
I made sure to carve out a extra time knowing that it took some heavy thinking. Funny enough, this leader was able to nail it every session!
Co-design & co-creation
Co-design & co-creation = increased buy-in.
This CAO strengthened her realization that it’s critical to involve her people in the process when working towards deadlines, on a particular community issue or staff concerns. Of course, only if it makes sense and depending on sensitivity and urgency.
Meet people where they’re at. Bring them along the journey. Increase buy-in. (Ideally).
Good leaders ask great questions
Asking questions and listening is an information gathering exercise.
Through the process of asking the right questions at the right time, this CAO was able to further uncover and discover potential options, challenges, gaps, metrics to measure. With data that was collected, she was able to make decisions on next steps. Or when appropriate inspire her people to land on a decision.
Imposter syndrome
This is my favourite.
This CAO was able to work on MANAGING, not eliminating, but managing her imposter syndrome. What I mean is, perhaps we’re not meant to omit imposter syndrome.
If we’re doing it right, and as long as we’re putting in the work to evolve, imposter syndrome COULD be indication that you’re moving out of your comfort zone towards some kind of growth.
Do hard stuff. Get better!
💥 Which one of these can you implement in your life, work or world?
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