Do kick-ass things together

Do kick-ass things together

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of playing a big role in a one-day leadership conference for over 250 healthcare leaders.


We had someone arrive in a BMW and another on a bicycle. One person was in their leadership role for about a month, another for well over a decade. Such a diverse and talented leadership community.


A number of things stand out from this experience and related conversations. Here are a few.




Anyone that tells you they’re a “self-made”-anything isn’t being honest! No one ever does it alone. Everyone has at least one person supporting them.


Leadership is no different. Leadership IS community.


Just like with planning this conference. Divisional/department partnerships were a driving force in event execution. We couldn’t have done it alone.


In some of the work I do, I often share that you don’t need me for content. There’s enough content out there in the world. What I’m good at is marrying content, COMMUNITY and application.


Find your people. Serve your face off.  Do kick-ass things together!



Our keynote was Harp Girn, Vice President, Americas Channels, Microsoft. He delivered a killer session. I was partly nerding out about how slick his slides were 😁. Andre – such a pleasure partnering with you on this.


Harp shared how Microsoft has focused heavily on further evolving culture. One of the MANY things that landed for me was, the notion of, if you take care of your people, your people will take care of the business. Ultimately, we’re ALL in the people business!


What was even more impactful was the short chat I had with Harp as he as leaving. He shared his Dad’s message of service. What came to mind was my my Mom’s message of kindness.



Strategy may change. Vision stays the same.


Whether you’re leading an organization, a team, your family or even yourself, having periodic check-ins on strategy is important. This allows for any mid-course corrections to ensure you’re still moving towards the ultimate vision.


For example, I’m currently working with a leader in the healthcare space, in a 1:1 coaching capacity. A few months ago, this person was keen on moving up within the clinic he’s working in.


He attended a conference recently (a different one) which shifted his thinking. He’s now considering moving into research as opposed to clinical operations. Strategy shifted. Vision stayed the same – to further evolve how patients are treated.


Over 250 healthcare leaders served. Here’s to the next one team!


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